Monday, November 12, 2012

A Special Look at Health Concerns for Women With Disabilities

Women and young ladies who live with a disability are among the most vulnerable population in the entire world. Based on this fact, it is important to recognize the issue and consider finding a way to help empower these women to help protect themselves against any kind of discrimination or violence. Studies have shown that routine physical fitness has a positive impact on overall health, but more importantly on self-confidence, and equips disabled women with the tools to help protect themselves from discriminating acts.

Decreasing Vulnerability Women have a natural tendency to gravitate toward close personal friendships that hold a dear place in their hearts. It has been found that women with a circle of friends tend to have a better outlook on life and a higher self-esteem. For a woman with a disability, those friendships are even more important than for one without a disability. Finding lasting friendships, for a woman with special needs, helps to create a positive impact on chipping away at her vulnerability. When someone feels isolated and all alone, it is easier for them to get taken advantage of. Solid friendships are key to changing the worldview on women with disabilities.

Incorporating Exercise Women with disabilities should consider incorporating exercise into their daily routine. Instead of viewing exercise as a chore, it should be considered part of a lifestyle, this way it can be tackled as a marathon and not a sprint. Some workouts will produce better results than others and it is OK to not get caught up in perfection, in fact, it is a good thing to avoid rigidity in a fitness program. Fun is the name of the game in fitness, for without it, what is the point of spending so much time on something you would absolutely dread?

Female Health Concerns Women have a different set of health concerns to contend with than men. Factor this in with an already existing disability, and it just doesn't seem fair. The most prevalent health concerns for women include, but are not limited to, breast cancer, cancer of the reproductive organs, and heart disease. Heart disease is actually the number one killer of women, which is why incorporating exercise into the lifestyle is important to ward off the silent killer. In addition to the mentioned health conditions, there are a myriad of additional medical conditions that can affect the health of a woman, which can be minimized by regular exercise.

Promoting Female Fitness Women are athletes. Athletes are women. Women enjoy the sense of belonging. For women looking to partake in an empowering fitness program, you can find a specialized fitness service that offers 12-week sessions of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) that were designed to meet the individualized needs of those with disabilities. MMA is not just a sport for men; women seeking a fun workout as well as self-defense skill building are perfect students for this program. The goal is to reduce the level of vulnerability for women with disabilities.

Health Tips for Women of all Ages

There are many health issues that women should be aware of and they should be taking preventative measures to avoid. Many of these issues are specifically woman-centered, such as ovarian, cervical, and endometrial cancers. However, women also make up more than half of Alzheimer's patients, approximately 3.4 million out of 5.4 million Americans living with this disease. Helping women to know the risks and symptoms of certain woman-specific diseases, as well as preventative and treatment options, is important.

The big cancers that can affect women are uterine cancers: cervical, ovarian, and endometrial. Breast cancer also primarily affects women, though there are cases of male patients diagnosed with breast cancer. These cancers, for the most part, can be prevented, but sometimes your family history is enough to cause the disease.

Cervical cancer can be caught early if you are regularly going to your gynecologist for a pap smear. You should also consider quitting smoking if you do smoke, or avoiding secondhand smoke if you do not. Cigarettes have been linked to the development of many cancers, and besides the obvious ones like lung and mouth cancer, they do also cause cervical cancer. You may want to consider also getting the HPV vaccine if you are under 27 years of age.

Ovarian cancer is one of the more frustrating diseases to diagnose because there are no effective screening tests and no one really knows what causes it. Taking Fenretidine, which is a synthetic form of Vitamin A, might help to protect women against ovarian cancer as well as breast cancer, but there are not enough scientific studies that prove this to be an absolute. Your best bet, sadly, is to have your ovaries surgically removed. This may not rule out your chances of getting ovarian cancer entirely, but it is the most commonly recommended solution for patients who are high risk because of their family history.

Endometrial cancer's cause is also unknown, and unfortunately, this is also the most common type of cancer within the uterine area. High levels of estrogen seem to be a factor in whether a woman develops this disease. Also, if you have diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), have never been pregnant, or are infertile, your risk factor increases. To help prevent endometrial cancer, you should try exercising, changing your diet to introduce soy-based foods, and if you still are able, getting pregnant and breastfeeding.

Alzheimer's disease is a sad and difficult disease to deal with. Imagine losing your memories of those you love. It can be upsetting to know there may be nothing you can do to prevent its onset; thankfully, there are a few things that may help. Regular exercise 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes can diminish your risk factor. You should also consider changing your diet to include heart-healthy foods such as salmon and tuna, and excluding red meat and fried foods. Try adding in a few cups of green or white tea as well. Getting a quality amount of sleep is beneficial in all cases, but most especially when attempting to prevent Alzheimer's. Work on reducing stress in all areas of your life, and stay as active as possible.

The Link Between Women's Health and Mental Illness

Health and mental illness are hot topics in the women's health field. Want proof? The World Health Organization, United Nations and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services all have web pages dedicated specifically to mental illness in women. That's because mental health has a very significant impact on a woman's overall health, how her body functions and even her ability to reproduce.

Mental Health and Mental Illness in Women We all know that men and women are affected differently by mental illness and mental health disorders. While some disorders like depression and anxiety are more prevalent in women, women also show different symptoms and researchers are studying the different psychosocial and biological factors that affect a woman's mental health and mental illness.

Common mental disorders in women include: Depression, Anxiety Disorders, like OCD, social phobias, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and eating disorders.

Health and Mental Illness- Chicken and the Egg Scenario? Are women who suffer with chronic health conditions more likely to suffer from a behavioral health disorder or are women suffering from behavioral health disorder more likely to suffer from significant physical health concerns? It can be difficult to determine which is a symptom and which is a cause. What we do know is that women with chronic health conditions tend to be at high risk for behavioral health disorders and women suffering from behavioral health disorders may increase their risk for physical health conditions, such as obesity or migraine headaches.

Reproductive Health and Mental Illness Stress has a significant impact on a woman's body. Stress and co-occurring issues like depression and anxiety can make it difficult for a woman's body to regulate hormones, making her menstrual cycle unpredictable or even irregular. Many women experience depression and anxiety disorders during and after pregnancy. Normal hormonal changes during and after pregnancy or menopause can mimic they symptoms of depression, making it very confusing for a woman to determine if she is suffering from a physical health issue or a mental health disorder. Hormone and talk therapy are useful for women suffering from both physical health and mental illness, especially as it relates to menstruation, pregnancy, infertility and menopause.

Female Veterans and Behavioral Health Disorders While post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen to anyone, it is common among soldiers or law enforcement personnel who experience traumatic or emotionally stressful situations. Women with health and mental illness concerns after the military can seek help from a variety of public and private veteran's services that are specially equipped to handle the stress of returning home and reuniting with family.

Women's health and mental illness concerns are treatable, and treatment may occur simultaneously for the best result.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Best Way to Choose Your Baby's Gender

If you're hoping to conceive a baby girl or conceive a baby boy you've probably spent some time reading about natural gender selection techniques. It can get overwhelming -- even downright mind-boggling to try and sort through all of the options out there! Which techniques are the best? What will really give you the best chance of getting the son or daughter you've dreamed of?
The Best Gender Selection Technique
Out of all the varied strategies to choose your baby's gender, diet is the one that will make the most difference in your chances at conceiving a boy or girl. Why?
First, diet is supported by research. Science has consistently shown that, while you can't 100% choose your baby's gender naturally, you can greatly increase your chances of getting the gender you desire. There is really a way to boost your chances of getting a girl or boost your chances of getting a boy.
The research that shows this most strongly is research on diet. There are a number of studies showing statistically significant evidence in favor of diet.
There are also many, many mothers (and fathers) in the world who have desired to have a daughter or son as part of their family. These families have tried different techniques to get their dreamed-of baby, and many have found that diet made a profound impact on their bodies and helped them conceive the gender they hoped for -- even after getting multiple babies of the opposite gender!
Some Promising Diet Tips
The diets most supported by science show that boys are conceived when there's more food and more nutrients. Girls are conceived when moms are eating less calories and getting fewer nutrients. These dietary findings line up with theories about past gender ratio changes, too.
If you'd like a girl, it's best to eat a low-calorie diet that provides fewer calories -- around 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day. This low level is still plenty to keep your fertility high, but fits with scientific findings on girl conceptions. Also try to eat plant-based proteins and plenty of grains, which give you the lower nutrient levels the "girl diet" needs.
If you'd like a boy, go ahead and get a high-calorie diet. In fact, you want dramatically more calories -- around 2,400+ calories a day. This is similar to the caloric requirement in pregnancy. Don't think that you can get this all with junk foods, though. It's important that your diet be nutrient dense. Get your calories from animal proteins and nourishing, homemade foods that are packed with protein and vegetables. Some healthy saturated fats, like butter and coconut oil, will help increase testosterone which boosts chances for a boy.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Women Bodybuilders Diet - The Key to a Lean Healthy Womanly Form

Young or old, there's no limit to what the modern woman can do when she sets her mind to it - whether it's getting to the top in her profession of choice or undergoing women bodybuilders diet plans. Women nowadays are much more enlightened on the idea of self-betterment and a holistic personal development, which is why more and more females seem to be entering training programs aimed at building their bodies into leaner, fitter examples of the healthy, urban female.
Why the Need for a Diet?
In order for any woman to successfully build muscle mass, you have to understand that it takes a combination of a healthy women bodybuilders diet and training sessions. You can't expect to suddenly get sculpted abs and well-defined arms and legs by exercising alone, or simply eating right. Women have much less testosterone than men, the hormone that builds muscles, which is why a good diet is important in order for a female to achieve the best results.
In addition, once you start training, your body needs constant nutrition for it to cope with muscle growth, renew the energy that you lose in your activities and encourage faster metabolism. If you don't eat right and insist on gorging yourself on candy bars and instant mac and cheese, you'll not only end up all frustrated about why you're not building any muscle, you're likely to get a bit chubbier too.
What Should Be in a Diet?
Because of the many diet fads out there aimed at helping women slim down, "diet" has become associated with starving yourself and avoiding practically everything on the food pyramid. But for a women bodybuilders diet, it's the exact opposite. Since your goal is to bulk up and not trim down, the requirements are a lot different. It means more meals at more frequent intervals that contain higher levels of protein, carbohydrates, and a lot of water.
The average woman eats around .25 - .5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. The female bodybuilder should take in from 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per body weight daily, which is something like 40% of each meal. Excellent sources of protein are pork tenderloin, eggs, tuna, skinless chicken breast, rib-eye steaks, lean ground beef, fish and shrimp, and low-fat dairy foods like ricotta or cottage cheese and plain yogurt. Carbohydrates and healthy fats are necessary to maintain a balanced women bodybuilders diet, so whole grains, vegetables, fruits, unsaturated and natural oils like olive or sunflower oils will aid in hormone production, vitamin absorption and will keep your skin and hair in good condition.
Constant water intake is a must in bodybuilding as well. Being hydrated helps replenish lost energy, repairs muscles better, keeps you full so you don't always crave for sweet and salty foods, helps your body keep up with muscle growth and flushes out toxins efficiently.
Finally, to get the most out of the bodybuilding experience, try to find a good fitness program that will assist you in getting your ideal body weight and shape. These professionals will be able to give you tips on your women bodybuilders diet and can monitor your progress so that you stay disciplined and focused on your goals!

Heart Healthy Tips For Women Approaching Menopause

These heart healthy tips for women approaching menopause can help keep the heart healthy despite the changes that occur as menopause arrives. Women generally start transitioning into menopause between 45-55 years of age, some sooner if they have had a hysterectomy. The changes that occur during this general time frame put women had substantial increased risk for heart problems in menopause. Implementing heart healthy tips before the woman goes into menopause is ideal.
Heart healthy tips for women approaching menopause are necessary because at age 45-55, certain changes often take place in the body, which makes a woman more susceptible to heart concerns. Hormone levels are changing, which can cause weight gain in the mid-section. When estrogen starts dropping, the body will actually increase your appetite, even up to 67% researchers say. This is because fat stores release estrogen. This is the body's way of getting its declining estrogen back. As we grow older, the body has a tendency to redistribute weight and for many women in menopause, the extra weight goes right to the mid-section. Unfortunately, it often does not stop at just subcutaneous fat, but builds up as visceral or internal fat. Visceral fat builds up around the internal organs, including the heart. As you can imagine, this is not a good thing for your heart or the rest of you. If your waist size is 35 inches or higher, you likely have visceral fat. The good news is that hormone levels eventually level off, but if you aren't prepared, you could have a bunch of extra visceral fat that is going to put you at higher risk for heart problems. In addition, visceral fat takes a lot more effort to get rid of.
Heart Healthy Tip #1 For Women Approaching Menopause
Prevent visceral fat around the heart and mid-section by adopting healthy eating habits before menopause. If you are too late and you already have this visceral fat, then talk to your doctor about your concern. Discuss with him/her a plan to lose this visceral fat through a good nutritious diet lifestyle change and exercise program. Visceral fat is stubborn and usually some type of aerobic exercise will be needed to burn it off. There has been some differences in studies regarding hormone replacement therapy. Some say that it may help decrease heart disease, but it can increase your risk for other diseases. Some say that it doesn't really help that much. Talk with your doctor about the hormone replacement possibility, pros and cons.
Heart Healthy Tip #2
Another cause for heart concerns for women approaching menopause is that your body is just slowing down, which can make it easy to become more sedentary. Your heart still needs exercise. It is made out of muscle cells. To stay strong, it needs aerobic conditioning. If we are slowing down and not making an effort to keep its muscle fibers strong, then it will weaken. If you add that concern with the visceral fat around the heart, it gets a double whammy.
Even if you are not as active as you were when you were 20 and you don't necessarily have to be, you can still exercise your heart. Research has shown even taking a fairly brisk 30 minute walk 3-4 times a week, can help tremendously with keeping your heart healthier. If you can do more, great. Invest in a treadmill if you live in a place where you can't walk outside. There are also a ton of exercise videos out there these days, so you can pick something that works for you, especially if you have particular health concerns that you have to work around. Again, if you do have health concerns, discuss your new exercise program with your physician.
Heart Healthy Tip #3
Sometimes people can have heart issues before they even approach menopause. It would be good to have a check up around your early 40's to get a baseline of where you are at. Due to the body's metabolism slowing down during the menopausal age range, unhealthy lifestyle patterns will hit women harder during menopause. Any positive changes you can start before menopause will make it easier on you. So getting a physical exam with your doctor is a good place to start. Get some blood work to see where you are with your heart including cholesterol ratios. Then make sure you have a plan to keep your cholesterol down such as healthy dietary habits and an appropriate exercise routine.
Heart Healthy Tip #4
If you haven't already, quit smoking. Heart damage caused by tobacco can often reverse itself in time if tobacco is stopped.
Heart Healthy Tip #5
Keep stress down as much as possible. Stress releases another hormone called cortisol. It often leaves in its wake, visceral fat in the mid-section. This obviously will add stress to your heart. Whatever helps with your stress management, be sure to practice it daily. Maybe it is prayer, women's support group, meditation, exercise, listening to music, taking a walk with a friend, being positive, having enjoyable hobbies or laughing as much as possible. Find what works for you in effectively managing your stress level and get in the habit of practicing it daily.
Heart healthy tips for women approaching menopause are healthy tips for everyone, but it is even more critical for women approaching menopause. Women approaching 45-55 have such an increased risk for heart disease, that these other controllable factors can be the difference between heart disease and not. Work on improving your overall eating habits, cutting out harmful fats, sugars and calories, having a routine exercise program, not smoking, getting doctor check ups from time to time and good stress management. All these heart health tips for women approaching menopause can help to prevent heart issues from developing during this time and beyond.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Common Behavioral Health Disorders In Women

Behavioral health disorders can affect men, women and children. Many people suffer from behavioral health disorders for years without proper diagnosis and treatment. Although these disorders do not discriminate between men and women, and occur to people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, there are significant differences in the risk for developing certain disorders between men and women. Women are at high risk for developing disorders like substance abuse, depression and anxiety, while men are more likely to suffer from disorders such as schizophrenia and PTSD.
Most Common Behavioral Health Disorders in Women
Panic Disorder
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 2.4 million people in the United States suffer from panic disorder. In addition, women are twice as likely as men to have panic disorder. Panic disorder often accompanies other disorders, such as depression and can prevent a woman from living a healthy normal life. Depression is a serious disorder that can affect every aspect of a woman's life. It can make it difficult for a woman to maintain healthy relationships or experience the joy in her life. Women in general are more likely than men to experience depression, although the reasons are unknown. Studies show that one in eight women will experience some form of depression during her lifetime. Certain behavioral health disorders, including postpartum depression can affect only women.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder is in a class of disorders known as anxiety disorders. It is estimated that 5.2 million adults in the United States have PTSD. Although commonly associated with men, women are also at high risk for developing PTSD. PTSD normally occurs as a result of a traumatic event - including abuse, violence or danger to a loved one.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Often anxiety occurs for no apparent reason. When this happens it is often referred to as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Women are two times more likely to develop this disorder than men. Approximately 4 million adults in the US suffer from this type of anxiety disorder.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are particularly dangerous to a woman's health. These behavioral health disorders can have seriously debilitating long-term health effects on a woman's body. Many women seek help from eating disorders every year, most commonly anorexia, bulimia and binge eating.
Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
Between 30 and 40 percent of Americans suffering from alcoholism are women. In fact, alcoholism in women is on the rise. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports women face a higher risk of alcoholism than men do.
Many women struggle with making the choice to commit to themselves and seek treatment for behavioral health disorders. Some women find that goal setting is helpful and milestones can help them envision their achievements and make the path to sobriety more manageable.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Determining The Best Supplements For A Woman's Health

As a woman's health requirements change during the different stages of life it is important to consider supplementation as a way to receive the needed vitamins and nutrients required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We all realize that supplementation can be expensive so it is important to know exactly which can offer women the most benefit thus getting the most bang for the buck from your supplementation dollar. The first thing that needs to be done is to take a look at your diet and lifestyle in order to determine which nutrients that you may be lacking in. With that said let us take a look at five of the best and most effective supplements that can help to maintain good health in all stages of life.
Calcium plays an important role in many functions that the body completes each day. It is also the most abundant mineral that we have in our bodies. We all know by know that it is critical for good bone health. We need to take care of our bones and teeth over the course of our lifetime not only as we age. Dairy products along with green leafy vegetables are very good dietary sources of calcium. If your diet is lacking in calcium rich foods and you choose supplementation calcium citrate will offer you the most benefit.
Recent studies have shown that up to 70% of people are deficient in this important vitamin. This is basically due to the fact that we spend much more time indoors coupled with the overuse of sunscreen. Vitamin D is also a nutrient that is involved in many daily functions in the body. It helps to boost our immune system and protects us from disease and illness as well as aiding in bone health by being critical in the absorption of calcium. Even if you are eating a diet rich in calcium or taking supplements you may not be getting the full benefit if it is not being absorbed properly. The best way to get adequate levels of vitamin D is from sunshine. If you decide to use a supplement vitamin D3 is best.
This is actually a group of eight water soluble vitamins. These vitamins are not stored by the body. We use what we need and the balance is flushed out in the urine. For this reason they need to be constantly replaced. They are essential in controlling levels of stress, mood swings and the production of energy. Meat, dairy products and vegetables are all excellent dietary sources of B vitamins. If you choose supplementation you can get B-Complex multivitamins which will provide you with adequate supply of each in one capsule.
Along with being critical to the proper absorption and metabolism of calcium magnesium also plays a major role in controlling mood swings. Green leafy vegetables as well as nuts are high in magnesium. If you are supplementing choose a magnesium calcium citrate combination for the best results.
These are known as essential fatty acids and offer many health benefits. Oily fish such as mackerel and salmon are very good sources. If these foods are not part of your normal diet a high quality fish oil will provide adequate supplies.
In conclusion, if you have a good understanding of which are the best supplements to assure good health and their dietary sources you can make a better informed decision as to which supplements you actually need to be concentrating on. This will provide you with a healthier lifestyle for many years to come as well as leave more money in your pocket.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Health Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women have special health and nutrition needs. They are eating for two people, for themselves and for the new baby that is growing inside their womb. So they want to be sure they are eating healthy foods. It is important for pregnant women to watch what they eat and drink. For example, doctors advise the strict avoidance of all alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.
It is also recommended to take a folic acid supplement. Folic acid is included in any good quality brand of prenatal vitamins, as are other important nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals like calcium, etc.
If you are trying to conceive, experiencing some symptoms of pregnancy, or are now pregnant, you will want to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Your body will experience many changes as the months go by. Be sure to get plenty of rest. Fatigue is a common complaint of pregnant women. Your body is going through a lot of stressful work to create a human life. You are doing something totally amazing. And you deserve a rest, don't you think? Of course you do. So take plenty of breaks, sit down, even take a nap every day if you can.
You and your baby will need more calories during the pregnancy stages. Some doctors estimate that you will consume round 300 additional calories each day. Just make sure the added calories come from healthy foods, not junk food. It is normal to have some cravings, because you need extra nutrients, but these cravings can be lessened by taking prenatal vitamins. You body wants and needs added nutrition, to help your baby grow, so eat plenty of health foods such as yogurt, fruit, bran muffins, veggies, etc.
Stay away from cigarettes and from people who smoke them. Second hand smoke can be bad for you and for your developing baby. Also avoid chemicals of all kinds. Don't use, inhale or be around any paint, harsh cleaning compounds, bug sprays and pesticides, weed killers, or any serious chemicals such as those.
Get some mild exercise every day. Going for a walk is the best form of exercise. This gets your blood flowing and increases oxygen levels in your body. Don't do any sit ups or crunches or tummy exercises. And avoid doing any heavy lifting.
Talk to your nurse or doctor on a regular basis. Pregnant women are going through a special time in their lives and they have special needs, special eating habits, special vitamins, etc. Take extra special good care of yourself so you will have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some Common Yet Ignored Factors That Can Maintain Women's Health

Since centuries women are seen as the focus point of every family. She runs the home, she takes care of her husband and children and she ensures that everything in the house is managed properly. Even today, when women have also started going out to work and earn money, they run the family and take more efforts than men in the management of the house. Because of all these, health of a woman is very important and has a strong impact on the health of a whole family. Ironically, the person whose health is least important in a house is also that of the woman there.

Women's health is an issue that women themselves give secondary priority in their rush to manage their career along with their family. What they forget is that if they are caught by a minor disease or sickness it can affect the running of the whole house. One has to remain healthy to ensure others are healthy. So what are some ways in which a woman can take care of her health? Here are a few tips for you. You must have come across them many times yet you take them for granted.

Ensure the intake of adequate nutrients

A normal person requires various nutrients that can ensure the healthy functioning of the body. These nutrients include proteins, vitamins, iron, carbohydrates and a lot more minerals that take care of the various processes inside the body. Deficiency of any of these nutrients can create long-reaching effects, which appear often in the form of fever, lethargy, pain, etc. As all nutrients are not included in a single food item, it is important that you take different food items so that all nutrients reach your body. In the busy lifestyle of today, it might not be possible to get all food items, cook them and have them on a daily basis. You could therefore try out the different health supplements that ensure the sufficient and proper intake of all necessary nutrients.

Have a balanced diet

A balanced diet is very important in maintaining the health. While some women, in their wish to keep themselves slim, overdo their dieting and give up on food, some fall for the tastes of the food and overeat, which result in obesity and related health problems. Both these habits are extremely dangerous to the body and can create issues later in old age. What you need is a balanced diet that includes all the necessary nutrients and yet keeps you fit and healthy. Today, this is not a difficult task as you can refer to hundreds of websites that give you valuable information related to healthy diets. You can also approach a dietician to get suggestions on what you need to do to keep yourself healthy.

Do regular exercise

Exercise is as important to the body as food. The intake of calories has to be balanced by the adequate burning of it, and this can be possible by regular exercise. There was a time when people used to live in huge mansions or large farms where doing the daily chores was enough to burn these extra calories. However, today things are different and we stay in small apartments or work before computer for hours, both of which can affect the health, especially that of eyes and brain, increase the weight and make you sick very soon. Keeping some time apart to do some physical exercises or yoga is therefore highly necessary to ensure prolonged health and fitness.

Allow some time for yourself

Happiness and peace of mind are two important prerequisites for physical health. Running behind the household errands and needs of your husband or children can often make you get nervous and remain tense the whole day. While it is definitely important that you provide time for your family, it is equally important to provide time for yourself as well. It is not important that you should do something great during this time. The main point is to find some time to do something that you enjoy doing, whether it is reading a book, listening to music or meditating. Relaxation to the mind makes a huge difference to the relaxation of the body and keeps you active and cheerful.

It is true that doing all these would not keep away your problems in life. In fact, life is complex and dynamic and problems are a part of it. However, doing these can definitely make you strong enough to face these problems and come out successfully. In fact, contrary to the popular belief, the well-known saying that 'health is wealth' applies to women much more than men.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

2 Healthy Weight Loss Supplements For Women

There's no doubt about it losing weight can do wonders for both your physical and emotional health. The only problem is that it takes time.
We live in a modern society that is impatient because we've become addicted to instant results. It's no wonder the majority of people wanting to lose weight resort to using fad diets and pills that come with outlandish claims of burning off 14 pounds of fat in one week.
Losing weight this fast is unnatural and unhealthy and in the long run can lead to serious health complications.
With their increasing popularity several brands of weight loss supplements are currently available on the market. In terms of their effectiveness some are very good and have been clinically proven to help people lose weight.
However, the vast majority of supplements are not clinically proven and many of the health claims they make are not backed up with scientific proof.
In fact, recently certain diet pills containing the chemicals phentermine were removed by the FDA because of the unpleasant and serious side effects they caused.
In most cases, it's safer to consider weight loss supplements that are made from natural ingredients. Fortunately, there are a number of options that you can consider as follows:
Dietary Fiber
Fiber is a natural appetite suppressor that can help you keep the pounds off. By making you feel fuller for longer, fiber enables you to eat less than you would normally.
Fiber is harder to digest so it stays in the stomach for longer giving you that sense of fullness, even hours after a meal. Fiber can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels. This is important for weight loss because your blood sugar level controls your appetite.
When you increase your fiber intake make sure you drink more fluids such as water. This is because lots of fiber can make you constipated.
In the West the vast majority of people don't eat enough fiber and for these reasons suffer many digestive problems as a result. The recommended daily intake of fiber is 36 grams per day for a man and 30 grams for a woman.
The majority of fiber supplements that are proven to work, use fiber from psyllium husk or the prickly pear, which is a type of cactus plant.
Capsicum Pepper
The capsicum pepper contains capsaicoids, which are compounds that give the pepper its intense heat. However, clinical studies have shown that these compounds can also raise the body's metabolism. Your body's metabolism is the rate in which your body creates energy from fat.
As your metabolism rises your body burns more calories. For best results these supplements are recommended to be taken prior to a physical workout.
You could eat chillies rather than a supplement that contains chilli extract; but you would have to eat a lot of them to derive any benefit.
There is also the added problem that eating chilli peppers in large quantities can irritate the sensitive lining of your stomach. For this reason, taking a good quality capsicum extract supplement enables you to avoid this.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Women's Health - A Major Concerning Issue

The hardships and agony a woman suffers in her life are in no way milder than the sufferings of a man. As a woman, your health starts with information. There are numerous health magazines that give plenty of vital information regarding women's general health. Also there is a lot of information scattered over various websites. If you are an Internet user then it is not difficult for you access all those articles and blogs. A woman should be a vociferous reader and a good listener - then she could come to know what is good and what is bad for her health.
Here are some tips that can help women live a healthier life.
Eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals to improve immunity which helps fight diseases.
Keep your waist under control as raising waistline is the sign of obesity and other dangerous diseases.
Drink a lot of water and fresh fruit juices but avoid fizzy drinks.
Exercise regularly. Jogging, cycling or walking helps ward off heart diseases. Exercise also decreases stress and anxiety.
Regular health checkups with a gynecologist are a must for Women's Health. Search for a doctor that is accessible and understands your feelings. Make sure that you go to the doctor at least once in a month. Prepare a chart and record your blood pressure and cholesterol level to keep them in normal range. Take special care during periods. Plan your pregnancy after consulting the doctor. When at menopause, it is the doctor who can give you right advice.
The emotional aspect of Women's Health needs more attention than the physical one. Women are more sensitive than men, in general. They easily get depressed and come under stress whenever there is a problem. A woman yearns for love and care. Everyone in the family is directly or indirectly attached to the women in the family. Simply put, it is the woman who helps make a family. If the woman in your life is nervous, depressed or emotionally stressed then please assist her in getting her emotional and physical health back. Both aspects are equally important.

Benefits of Women's Health Magazine and Difference From Other Magazines

Women's health magazine is a world wide publication that deals with issues relating to women. It is all about the modern times and what women should do in their lives to keep up. This includes issues such as health, fitness, beauty and relationships among others. All things about fitness, weekend challenge and work out regimes are some of the topics in the omen's health magazine highlights. There is also a section on trendy gear to wear while doing these exercises.
Health tips and recipes are a part of women's health magazine. Information is given to you on how to eat right, maintain your body weight and live healthy. A woman's magazine would not be complete without fashion advice. There is a section on beauty as well as fashion. The women's health magazine also includes a section on book reviews. It is referred to as books we love. You are also able to air your views through women health magazine website once you sign up.
This topic range is unlike the new Yorker which reports culture, politics, humor, fiction, poetry and cartoon. Reviews and criticisms are also included. Despite the fact that the new Yorker highlights very serious political issues, it does sneak in a cartoon from one point to the other. There are also competitions to get the most likely caption. The advantage of the new Yorker, just like the new York magazine is that they are online in case somebody needs to go through an issue before it is discussed.
The new Yorker also offers you the chance to view upcoming stories as they are uploaded onto the website. This means you are informed about the new Yorker before you get to the news stands. Linking with social media is a good means of communication today. The new Yorker uses Facebook to assist the cartoonist reach an audience. The new Yorker website also has videos that you can play. They are highlighted next to the articles they relate to. The cartoons found in the new Yorker are suggestive to what is being discussed in the article next to it. It may be an analogy that helps you think deeper on the story that you are reading.
New york magazine is more somber as opposed to the new Yorker and women's health magazine. It has a website that you can sign up to. By signing up, you are able to receive newsletters from the new york magazine from time to time. You are also able to browse the new york magazine and view all its stories on a given day. Apart from the political discussions, there is also a section on health in the new york magazine available for all who are interested. In addition to this, new york magazine website offers videos on political event which you can view at any time. There is an entertainment section in new york magazine that offers you interviews of stars, reviews of movies or books and new and features of the celebrity world.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Facing Oxycontin Addiction As a Woman

Oxycontin addiction can be devastating for women, especially women who feel that they are on guard about substance abuse. There are many avenues for a woman to become addicted to prescription drugs. Some women take prescription drugs after surgery or after an injury and become dependent upon them. Other women begin taking prescription drugs in place of other illegal substances to get the same high. Still other women casually use prescription drugs at the instance of a friend or loved one that was helped by the pain medication. Although Oxycontin is only legally available through a physician, many, many women find ways to obtain the drug without the knowledge of their primary care doctor.
OxyContin Addiction & Women Oxycontin addiction affects so many women because the drug is easily available either through legal or illegal means. Legally, the drug is regularly prescribed, even for minor injuries or surgery, by healthcare professionals who want to ease their patient's pain and suffering. Illegally, OxyContin pills are sold on the street, sometimes for more than $40 a pill.
Unfortunately, OxyContin addiction is growing not only from women who suffer from substance abuse, but also as a drug of choice for women attempting to take their own life. A report release by SAMHSA in 2011, indicated a 210% increase in suicide attempts by women using Oxycontin. Women who attempted suicide using Vicodin, another commonly abused prescription drug, rose 67%.
Women who become pregnant while suffering from OxyContin addiction have special concerns as the drug does get passed to the baby. Pregnancy affects a women's lifestyle and habits, and many women find that they need to change their lifestyle to protect their baby en utero. Many physicians will ask questions about a woman's lifestyle during prenatal visits, a woman should answer these questions openly and honestly, even if she is suffering from substance abuse or alcoholism.
Coping As A Woman Women who suffer from Oxycontin addiction may not even recognize the signs and symptoms of their addiction. They may realize that they are using the drug frequently, but may have difficulty admitting how frequently or through what means they are getting the drug. OxyContin addiction, like other addictions, can cause women do to things they wouldn't normally do and engage in behaviors that they would otherwise feel are inappropriate.
Women suffering from OxyContin addiction during pregnancy can enter a rehab program and start a path to recovery before they give birth. Rehab during pregnancy is no more difficult or challenging while pregnant, and is always the best thing to do for a baby's health. Women suffering from addiction often find that a women's specific treatment facility is the best way for them to get the help that they need to overcome their chemical dependency and get on the right track. OxyContin addiction is often found alongside other women's health issues like anxiety, depression or eating disorders. Women's drug rehab facilities that focus on treating women's health instead of just "health" are better equipped to handle these kinds of situations and are more likely to have group counseling sessions aimed at the emotional concerns of women.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pregnant Women - What Should You Do Or Avoid For a Healthy Baby?

In the lifetime of a woman, the best moments are when she becomes a mother. It's a feeling that only a mother can explain. When women conceive and are due to deliver in 9 months there are a number of worries and anticipations along with excitement and delight cropping in one's mind and heart. Every pregnant woman would want to have a healthy baby first and then would desire for either of the sex, colour, or appearance. Health comes first and should be the most primary concern of any expecting mother. Taking care of yourself and for your expected child during pregnancy is the most important focus during that period.
Pregnant women must follow a certain diet and lifestyle and avoid a few things to have a healthy baby. She must first and foremost stay healthy by eating the right food items. She must not only eat for herself but should eat for her baby as well. A good nutritious diet consisting of bread, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, meat and protein food should be consumed on a daily basis. Pregnant women must also drink lots of water and have lots of calcium content food items. Some of the good sources of calcium are almonds, dried beans; vegetable those are dark green in colour, like spinach and broccoli, milk and milk products, sardines, peas and brussel sprouts.
Around 30 mg's of iron is required for pregnant women to build up their haemoglobin level. Iron can be found in food products of red meat, eggs, dry fruits, salmon, dried beans and peas among others. Pregnant women should have a healthy diet and along with this must also have a healthy lifestyle to have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. They must sleep well, be in good spirits, should be surrounded with bliss and a stress free environment. They should further exercise regularly, and have a daily routine walk to flex their muscles and bones. This helps pregnant women have a smooth and easy delivery.
Pregnant women must also avoid a few things in order to have a health baby. They must first let go of all their bad habits, if any, of abuse, namely, alcohol or drug abuse. They should avoid taking any stress upon themselves mentally or physically. OTC or over the counter medicines must also be avoided. Consuming a lot of hot or spicy food items, tea, caffeine, and vitamin a supplements, effect the proper development of the fetus.
Women who are pregnant tend to feel over heated because of hormonal changes and thus must avoid any additional heating from outside. By this we mean Jacuzzi's, Sauna or sun bathing must be avoided, as it has been found that women with over heated bodes tend to deliver baby's with neural defects.
Thus all the above points must be kept in mind by a pregnant woman. Things that need to be avoided must be taken seriously as they have a direct or indirect effect at the normal growth and development of the baby in the womb.
To Your Health!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Body Building For Women - Is It Beneficial For A Woman's Health To Bulk Up?

These days, body building for women is not as uncommon as it sounds. There are a lot of women who undergo physical training to improve their muscles and overall body condition. Some do it for health reasons while other do it for aesthetics purposes. You might find bulking up too masculine but some women and men find it sexy.
If you want to know the benefits of working out for women before trying it yourself, you should read the next few paragraphs.
  • Most women, especially those who are already in their 30s or 40s, have trouble spots. These trouble spots are those areas in your body that become loose and flabby due to lack of exercise and improper diet like tummy, arms, legs, and even your bottom. You can solve this problem by working out.
Strength training is more effective when it comes to losing these fats in your body than cardio training. Just remember that it is better to have muscles in your body than excess fats.
  • Body building is beneficial because it reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is bone brittleness and is a common disease among women.
There may be calcium-fortified milk products available in the grocery and supermarket that target middle aged women who are more prone to osteoporosis but it would be much better if you also do strength training and exercises. Weight training makes your bone stronger which reduces the risk of bone injuries and fractures.
  • When it comes to body building for women, if you want to burn more calories even after your training, you should try body building for women instead of simple cardiovascular exercises. This is because weight training allows you to burn calories up to 24 hours after your exercise. This means that your body continues to burn calories hours after you stopped weight training.
Weight training also boosts your metabolism even when you are sleeping. This is another great advantage because other training exercises do not help you burn calories even when you are at rest or sleeping.
  • Obviously, body building for women also helps increase strength. You no longer have to be the damsel in distress who always needs the help of a man to carry things for you because you can do it yourself.
Weight training does not only improve your physical health and appearance. It also makes you more independent and confident on your capabilities as a woman. It also boosts your stamina and endurance and prevents you from sustaining injuries.
I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Benefits of Women's Health Magazine and Difference From Other Magazines

Women's health magazine is a world wide publication that deals with issues relating to women. It is all about the modern times and what women should do in their lives to keep up. This includes issues such as health, fitness, beauty and relationships among others. All things about fitness, weekend challenge and work out regimes are some of the topics in the omen's health magazine highlights. There is also a section on trendy gear to wear while doing these exercises.
Health tips and recipes are a part of women's health magazine. Information is given to you on how to eat right, maintain your body weight and live healthy. A woman's magazine would not be complete without fashion advice. There is a section on beauty as well as fashion. The women's health magazine also includes a section on book reviews. It is referred to as books we love. You are also able to air your views through women health magazine website once you sign up.
This topic range is unlike the new Yorker which reports culture, politics, humor, fiction, poetry and cartoon. Reviews and criticisms are also included. Despite the fact that the new Yorker highlights very serious political issues, it does sneak in a cartoon from one point to the other. There are also competitions to get the most likely caption. The advantage of the new Yorker, just like the new York magazine is that they are online in case somebody needs to go through an issue before it is discussed.
The new Yorker also offers you the chance to view upcoming stories as they are uploaded onto the website. This means you are informed about the new Yorker before you get to the news stands. Linking with social media is a good means of communication today. The new Yorker uses Facebook to assist the cartoonist reach an audience. The new Yorker website also has videos that you can play. They are highlighted next to the articles they relate to. The cartoons found in the new Yorker are suggestive to what is being discussed in the article next to it. It may be an analogy that helps you think deeper on the story that you are reading.
New york magazine is more somber as opposed to the new Yorker and women's health magazine. It has a website that you can sign up to. By signing up, you are able to receive newsletters from the new york magazine from time to time. You are also able to browse the new york magazine and view all its stories on a given day. Apart from the political discussions, there is also a section on health in the new york magazine available for all who are interested. In addition to this, new york magazine website offers videos on political event which you can view at any time. There is an entertainment section in new york magazine that offers you interviews of stars, reviews of movies or books and new and features of the celebrity world.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can Pregnant Women Obtain Health Insurance?

Pregnancy is indeed the most important stage in the life of every woman. The health of "New mothers" and babies must be well taken care of during this period in order to deliver healthy babies. In fact, it is necessary for a family to save sufficient fund as there are a lot of costs incurred before a baby is born. The best way is to obtain health coverage from insurance companies or insurance providers during the whole period of pregnancy.
In normal circumstances, most of the standard health coverage policies in the market do not cover pregnancy. Can a pregnant woman be covered by the medical insurance?
The answer is YES. The good news is you can purchase pregnancy health insurance when you are in the planning stage for pregnancy. You can even purchase it when you are already expecting. There are many insurance companies providing this customized package to suit the needs of the expectant mothers. This is because many mothers are worrying about the medical expenses for pregnancy and childbirth.
It will be most ideal if you could obtain the maternity insurance before you are pregnant. The premium for the policy is relatively lower compared with the premium of pregnant policy holders. Most of the insurance providers in the market consider pregnancy as a pre-existing condition and they normally require the applicants to pay a higher premium for the maternity coverage. However, it is still worthwhile to get the pregnancy health insurance as long as the premium can be afforded by you. It is a wise decision for you and your family to enjoy the financial protection while waiting for the newborn baby.
Childbirth involves risks and there are a lot of costs incurred too, such as fees for regular check ups, obstetrician's consultation service, ultrasound, healthcare products, delivery costs, hospital admission, surgical fee, etc. With the help of maternity health insurance, all the families can enjoy their exciting moment without any financial burden and worries.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Women's Health Magazine

Many people read magazines these days and deciding which ones to choose can be a challenge, one popular magazine for women is women's Health. This magazine is popular amongst all age groups and offers something for every reader. Women's Health is affordable, informative and is a household name.
Women's Health was founded in 1981 and has changed hand a couple of times over the years; it has however kept the same image. Women's Health has an estimated circulation of over six million readers, and this is growing daily. The magazine has great reviews and can save you money by not having to buy all the latest products, you can read about them and find out exactly what you want to know. It focuses on several topics including diet, fashion tips and recipes; the magazine also focuses on health issues that are relevant to women. Since 1999 the magazine has hosted its own annual beauty awards and has become the place to read what beauty products deserve your hard earned money.
The magazine is now available online so you can read up on all your favorite bits without worrying you will miss something. The magazine is so informative and women are learning more and more regarding their health and fitness, this enables them to make choices them self. They also are thinking about their readers when they are being written, they are not paid to endorse one particular product. This enables them to be totally independent and advise the readers about all products fairly and independently. The recipe ideas are simple and cost effective meals that all mums and wives would be able to try.
Although the magazine should not substitute going to see a doctor, the health section is very informative. You can often read about many different ailments in women's health and they will be able to answer general enquiries and questions you may have. It also deals with problems that you may have never even heard about, and they are very interesting to read. The magazine is an ideal place for new mothers to look for advice on bringing up children. This task can be daunting and women's health can guide you and advise you regarding every element of their upbringing. They will write articles on all of those questions that you may have been too scared to ask, and will enable you to deal with your children's problems in your own way.
Whatever reason you decide to purchase Women's Health you will continue to do so and the best way to ensure you never miss a copy is to subscribe to it. This will guarantee your copy is waiting for you every time, and then you can sit down and take time to read your favorite magazine. You will pass the information on to your friends and family and they too will soon be enjoying reading this great magazine in no time at all. With all of the vast choice of magazines today you know that you want to

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy Eating: An Essential Part of Well Woman Care

Well woman care is a burgeoning field, and one that emphasizes prevention over treatment. The philosophy is that it is easier to maintain your health than it is to repair it, and that early detection always improves your chances of a positive outcome.
The field of well woman care emphasizes regular checkups for women, and also healthy lifestyle choices that can help women live longer and feel good while doing so. You may think that the only well woman care issue you need to worry about is attending regular medical check-ups, but you can take control of certain aspects of your own health and ensure that those checkups go smoothly. Healthy eating is an essential component of this approach.
It's not about what's on the surface
In a society that can sometimes be obsessed with image, it's important to realize that healthy eating and dieting are two very different things. From a well woman care perspective, it's not about looking good in a bathing suit, but making sure the organs underneath that bathing suit are functioning at their peak ability.
Of course, excess weight can have its own drawbacks when it comes to strain on bones, muscles and organs, but weight itself is a secondary concern.
Your body is a machine, and machines need good fuel
Food is the fuel that keeps your body running, and just like with any machine, the cleaner the fuel, the less chance you have to clog up the works. That's why foods that are high in fat and cholesterol cause such problems. They gum up the inner workings of your human machine.
For proper well woman care, then, pay attention to the levels of these substances in your food. Splurging on a greasy fast food meal every once in a while won't do lasting harm, but the more often you indulge, the more risks you are taking.
It's all about the fiber and vegetables
To keep your eating focused on well woman care and your health rather than the superficial aspects, pay less attention to avoiding the bad and more attention to bringing in the good, and this means vegetables and fiber.
Multiple studies have shown that a high-fiber diet can help you maintain the health of every organ in your body, your heart and your digestive system specifically. Fiber helps you better digest and process the nutrients in your food, so that you are getting the full benefit of healthy eating choices.
Next you have to pay attention to what it is that the fiber is helping you process, and your choices in that area should offer as many nutrients as possible. That means lots and lots of green veggies.
Foods like spinach and broccoli are full of vitamins and nutrients that can keep your body functioning at peak efficiency. Nuts and seeds are great options, too, because they offer tons of protein, which can provide you with great amounts of energy.
Eat what you like, in healthy versions
Only have time for a sandwich at lunch? Make it with wheat bread and spinach leaves. Craving a big plate of spaghetti? Pasta comes in wheat versions, as well, and green bell peppers in your spaghetti sauce enhance both the flavor and the health benefits of your meal.
Well woman care may mean regular visits to your OB/GYN or Nurse Midwife, but it also means doing what you can on your end to maintain your health, which starts with good eating habits.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pregnant Women - What Should You Do Or Avoid For a Healthy Baby?

In the lifetime of a woman, the best moments are when she becomes a mother. It's a feeling that only a mother can explain. When women conceive and are due to deliver in 9 months there are a number of worries and anticipations along with excitement and delight cropping in one's mind and heart. Every pregnant woman would want to have a healthy baby first and then would desire for either of the sex, colour, or appearance. Health comes first and should be the most primary concern of any expecting mother. Taking care of yourself and for your expected child during pregnancy is the most important focus during that period.
Pregnant women must follow a certain diet and lifestyle and avoid a few things to have a healthy baby. She must first and foremost stay healthy by eating the right food items. She must not only eat for herself but should eat for her baby as well. A good nutritious diet consisting of bread, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, meat and protein food should be consumed on a daily basis. Pregnant women must also drink lots of water and have lots of calcium content food items. Some of the good sources of calcium are almonds, dried beans; vegetable those are dark green in colour, like spinach and broccoli, milk and milk products, sardines, peas and brussel sprouts.
Around 30 mg's of iron is required for pregnant women to build up their haemoglobin level. Iron can be found in food products of red meat, eggs, dry fruits, salmon, dried beans and peas among others. Pregnant women should have a healthy diet and along with this must also have a healthy lifestyle to have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. They must sleep well, be in good spirits, should be surrounded with bliss and a stress free environment. They should further exercise regularly, and have a daily routine walk to flex their muscles and bones. This helps pregnant women have a smooth and easy delivery.
Pregnant women must also avoid a few things in order to have a health baby. They must first let go of all their bad habits, if any, of abuse, namely, alcohol or drug abuse. They should avoid taking any stress upon themselves mentally or physically. OTC or over the counter medicines must also be avoided. Consuming a lot of hot or spicy food items, tea, caffeine, and vitamin a supplements, effect the proper development of the fetus.
Women who are pregnant tend to feel over heated because of hormonal changes and thus must avoid any additional heating from outside. By this we mean Jacuzzi's, Sauna or sun bathing must be avoided, as it has been found that women with over heated bodes tend to deliver baby's with neural defects.
Thus all the above points must be kept in mind by a pregnant woman. Things that need to be avoided must be taken seriously as they have a direct or indirect effect at the normal growth and development of the baby in the womb.
To Your Health!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones For Women

It can be tough being a woman. Dealing with menopause and monthly menstrual cycles are just two examples of things that every woman has to deal with. Menopause and menstrual cycles cause serious changes in hormone levels. As we all know, when it comes to the topic of women and changes in hormones, you can also expect an array of mood swinging side effects. There are ways to help balance the mood swings and stop hot flashes. Supplements like Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones are created to help women naturally find and keep that balance.
Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones is designed by a company called Gardens of Life to help women of all ages. This is true whether they haven't reached menopause, are just reaching it or are postmenopausal. The idea behind this supplement is to help all women that struggle with dealing with hormone side effects. The product targets treating hot flashes, depression, anxiety, poor skin, weight gain, and stress. Some women go through a full spectrum of side effects each month because of their menstrual cycle. Others experience those side effects and more when going through menopause. For this reason Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones has made itself safe for women of all ages and stages in their life.
The formula takes advantage of a strong trio of ingredients to help deliver its cause. Lifenol, Ashwagandha, and Amla Berry are the main components of Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones. Each ingredient has a unique positive effect on the emotional and hormonal health of a female.
Lifenol is an extract that has a distinct nature to help relieve and prevent hot flashes.
Ashwagandha has a few advantages if taken regularly by women. Ashwagandha is said to help relieve stress and calm down or sooth the mind. It helps control overeating and other side effects that go along with stress.
The Amla Berry is meant to help promote healthy skin. Often times hormone changes can cause breakouts and the Alma Berry can help avoid these problems. It is also great for the improvement of overall tone and elasticity of the skin as it helps stop the breakdown of skin collagen.
The Ocean 3 Healthy Hormones formula for women comes in the form of a soft gel tablet. Basic users should take 3 tablets a day and pair it with a meal and a full glass of water.
The goal of this formula is to help women achieve a healthy and natural balance in their everyday life. Its focused formula is designed to make women feel and look healthy from the inside out.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Healthy Nutrition For Women

Today is a great time for women as more scientific evidence based information is evolving from nutrition research to dispel myths and present facts.
Women's Confusion about Diets
Diets abound from anti-heart disease diet to the PMS diet to the hundreds of weight loss diets.
Solution:Women want to simplify the nutrition puzzle and have one diet. The one diet is the Healthy Woman's Diet Plan.
Healthy Woman's diet plan takes into account how the dietary guidelines help to prevent one illness such as heart disease and how it might interact with advice for another disorder, such as cancer, food cravings, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Previous Trends- It's Not "All in your Head"
Women's health complaints have been dismissed as "all in the head."
"Insecurity, depression, irritability the week before menstruation, signaled emotionalism, a craving for sweets, lack of will-power. When these symptoms were reported to a physician, a husband or friend. Their complaint, met with a smile or recommendation "to take it easy."Vague symptoms of lethargy, depression, mood swings, headaches, and fluid retention were all conditions that were poorly understood by the medical community.
Changing Times
Undiagnosed emotional and physical symptoms are now recognized as specific metabolic processes, many of which are affected by diet. Mood swings; food cravings and anxiety are symptoms many women experience before their periods and now have a name called Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). PMS can be partially alleviated by changes in diet and exercise. Poor concentration, memory problems and fatigue could be a result of something as simple as iron deficiency and caffeine consumption.
Until recently, many diseases were considered the inevitable condition of growing old: The frail, stooped old lady, with protruding abdomen was a woman's destiny. Researchers acknowledge this condition - Osteoporosis - can be prevented or at least dramatically slowed by exercise and increasing dietary intake of calcium.
Numerous age related conditions from cataracts and skin aging to bowel disorders, heart disease and many of the emotional and physical changes related to menopause might be prevented by, or the symptoms reduced by a few changes to diet. With regular exercise, there is every reason to feel vibrant, radiant and youthful in your sixties, seventies and beyond.
What you can do to Re-program the aging Process!
Getting old is a natural process but you don't have to succumb to it. Many conditions associated with aging and ill health result from in action defenses that could be strengthened by a low-fat, nutrient dense diet with the combination of exercise. For example, consuming ample amounts of anti-oxidant nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, Vitamin E, and selenium, strengthen one of the body's basic defense systems against aging.
Optimal intake of the trace minerals, iron, zinc and copper and many of the vitamins builds the body's immune system and protects against colds, infections, premature aging, and many diseases, including cancer and arthritis.
Staying fit that is by eating a low-fat nutrient dense diet and moving daily; you can re-program your body's aging process. Basically what you eat and how much you move can make the difference between feeling and looking great or, at best, just getting by while the aging process advances toward disease and disability.
Room for Improvement
Your diet must work for you rather than against you to enhance your health potential. It is not too late to improve your diet. Today the consensus for a healthy "balanced diet" for women is changing and might not be good to prevent certain degenerative diseases or emotional problems.
Research has shown that women's diets have a long way to go. Women are eating less whole milk and beef that lessened saturated fat and cholesterol than women did years ago. There is 29% decrease in heart disease. On the other hand, polyunsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils and margarine have skyrocketed and average intake of fiber is less than one-third the recommended amount (that is, 10 grams versus 30 + grams).
Women are eating more chicken than beef, but the chicken is fried. (One serving of chicken Nuggets is equivalent of five pats of butter.)
Salad intake is on the rise due to the quest for weight loss and that is good. However, high fat salad dressings are poured on them diluting the benefits.The recommendations to increase complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, pasta, bread, and cereals are not met. Women still consume less than one-half the amount of these foods that their fore-parents ate in the l900s. Women consume more French fries, sugar, cake and doughnuts than pasta. These food choices increase the intake of fat and sugar and jeopardize the nutritional adequacy of the diet.
Jeopardy - Not meeting the Requirements
Women's diets are low in many essential nutrients because they are not eating enough of the dietary recommendations. A woman's physiology makes her more vulnerable than a man's to nutrient deficiencies during different stages of her life, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.
One out of every two women consumes less than two-third the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDI) for folic acid, vitamin E, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamin, and many of the B vitamins. Many of these deficiencies are caused by eating too many of these processed foods, fast foods, and convenience items that are high in fat and sugar and low in nutrients. Its shown that the average women consumes 13 teaspoons of sugar daily or 265 calories from foods that supply little or no nutritional value.
Women like to diet. The average diet range for women in the United States start at 1,400 to 1,800 calories. Compare this to men, who usually consume more than 2,500 calories per day, it is very impossible to meet the requirement values of all vitamins and minerals when food intake is restricted to these amounts.
Clinical deficiencies are not met when women do not consume the minimal amount recommended. It compounds the problem further as they are not getting the amounts needed to prevent cancer, heart disease, premature aging and other conditions such as PMS and osteoporosis. Other nutrients such as beta-carotene and vitamin C are needed in greater amounts than previously recognized. It can be obtained from the diet if a woman consumes at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. In short, women are not consuming enough of the right foods.
What You Can Do
Women wear many hats and live very busy life-styles, with careers, family and social responsibilities. Despite busy lifestyle, women must take time to care of themselves. Good health does not happen. The body is complex and it will automatically deteriorate at an increasing speed unless you take a pro-active role in keeping it well maintained.
Form good habits to support a healthy body and in most cases require only minor adjustments in a healthful life-style. These habits are not instinctive. You will have to choose nutritious foods. You have to make a conscious effort to treat it well by eating nutritious food and put movements to complement your health and fitness goals.
One of the most important dietary changes you can make for your health, waistline, and appearance is to eat less fat and more minimally processed, fiber rich foods. Less fat means more nutrients consumed for each spoonful of food. Less fat means a longer and healthier life. Noticeable, as the population ages, women are becoming more serious about eating for health and sorting through the conflicting noises to find diets they can live with. Know this, at best, diets don't work, and at worst they may compromise health, disease, resistance, and life spans.
It is left up to you to become your own nutrition advocate and remember that the symptoms you feel are not totally all in your head, and that there physical and possibly nutritional bases for many of these conditions. However you are still responsible for taking care of your health and nutritional status in an effort to achieve and maintain your healthiest body.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sexual Health for Men and Women: An Excellent Supplement for Consideration

There are a myriad of notions nowadays relative to what constitutes vibrant Sexual Health for men and women. An accurate understanding can only be gained through a fundamental understanding of biochemistry. While there are obvious differences in hormone makeup, every man and every woman requires proper daily nutrition to maintain the delicate balance of all biological functions.
In our modern society, there exist very serious deterrents to health in general. For example, an unprecedented incidence of free radical damage to the cells of our body. Also, contemporary farming techniques produce food seriously lacking in the trace elements necessary for proper daily nutrition (not only for humans, but also the animals we consume in our diet). These farming techniques also employ pesticides in their processes. The use of hormones and antibiotics in livestock processed for human consumption is another devastating factor for careful consideration.
There are locations in the world where cancer and ED (Erectile Dysfunction) are virtually unheard of and one of these places is the high mountain valley of Hunza, which is situated north of the Hunza River in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. The primary reason the people of Hunza routinely live to be centurions, is a properly functioning immune system. Several factors contribute to such robust stability; the anomalous properties of the water (alkaline and ionized glacier water), pure air, lack of free radical damage, little or no stress, proper nutrition and hard work.
The substantial incidence of diseases such as cancer and ED is an alarming reality for those members of Industrialized Societies. I believe the proliferation of these diseases results from free radical damage and the breakdown in immune system function. This weakness is caused, not only by the deterrents to overall health mentioned previously, but also the absence of those factors existent in environments such as Hunza.
There is no shortcut to good health. It is achieved and maintained through a process widely know as Diet and Exercise. To succeed, proper diet must become as much a way of life as sufficient exercise. A diet which will provide the desired results must include high quality nutritional supplements. There are several to choose from, so be careful! Fake Vitamins (those manufactured in a laboratory) actually do more harm than good. These so-called vitamins are incomplete forms and when ingested, are recognized by the body almost as if they were poison. Consequently, the body leaches minerals from bones and amino acids from muscles to complete these foreign elements. Vitamin and mineral supplements produced from natural sources are essential to good health.
In your quest to become properly nourished, your supplemental regimen should consist of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, probiotics, protein (for athletes and those involved in strength training), and herbs. It is easy to get carried-away once you begin supplementing, yet there are a few nutrients which must supplement our diet daily if we are to maintain a properly nourished condition. Since this article is about Sexual Health, we will start with some of those supplements which have passed my scientific tests for effectiveness and quality. My next article will include a more comprehensive breakdown of the basic supplements necessary to maintain a healthy diet.
For men, testosterone is the hormone of greatest concern as we age. From the time a man is in his mid to late 20's, his natural production of testosterone begins to diminish. Testosterone is systemically essential and not simply the force behind a man's sexual power. Free testosterone is necessary for several other biological functions such as, protecting your brain against memory loss, enhancing immune system function, maintaining strong bones and muscles, mood, heart health and more. Since testosterone is so significant, we will discuss it more comprehensively next time.
The supplementation of zinc is an excellent starting point and one which produces almost immediate results. Caution is necessary though, as excessive zinc intake interferes with the assimilation of copper. The trace element zinc plays a big part in normal growth and wound healing, development of the reproductive organs and proper functioning of the prostate. The building blocks of DNA and RNA are proteins and nucleic acids. Zinc is essential to the manufacturing of proteins and nucleic acids.
Natural sources of high quality zinc are always the most effective and one of least known, yet most studied is the little oyster. Yes that's right; oysters have been consumed for centuries, because of their ability to produce increased libido, bigger and stronger erections and better sexual health. Oyster consumption is equally effective for both men and women, so enhance your sex life even more by sharing with your partner to increase and develop both of your sexual desire, vitality and endurance!
The forgoing statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.